Once a diagnosis is made, there are medications that can soothe the redness and irritation. Tar baths, antihistamines, and antibiotics are often used, but these meet with limited success. Topical creams or ointments that contain corticosteroids are frequently prescribed to help control itching. It’s best to limit the use of these products to a two week period or less. Overuse of corticosteroids (also called steroids) can cause increased redness, thinning of the skin or further damage that may aggravate an existing condition or cause another condition which may prove more difficult to treat such as steroid-induced rosacea. Your doctor might also recommend medications you take internally, such as oral corticosteroids. Treatments that don’t seem to work include vitamins, mineral supplements, enriched diets, or nutritional supplements. Another treatment option is the use of ultraviolet light or sunlamps. Some in the medical profession question the use of light therapy as it is more of a temporary “fix” than a solution to the problem. Light therapy should also be used with caution as it can cause redness, burns, blistering or further skin damage. Under a physician’s supervision, some sufferers find this treatment helps, but so many more find it to be just another disappointment. One treatment option which has found success for individuals whose skin has been left sensitive and delicate by over-the-counter or prescription medications is Dermatitis-Ltd III.

Even though there is no cure for eczema, there are lots of things you can do to feel better if you have it:

Keep a diary of anything you ate or came in contact with just prior to a flare. If you're allergic to any foods or other things that may make your eczema flare up, you'll want to be sure to avoid them.

Unfortunately, eczema cannot be cured, though certain types will eventually clear up and others can be resolved by avoiding particular triggers. For many sufferers however, this is a lifetime condition that has to be carefully managed and monitored.

The person with eczema may be quite sensitive about their condition. Self-consciousness is common. People may withdraw socially, believing that skin conditions carry a stigma. This can affect the person's social and emotional development.

No one knows for certain what conditions specifically cause eczema, although problems with the body’s immune system may be to blame. Substances and events that are often perceived to cause the condition are actually triggers. The triggers cause underlying skin conditions to flare up and existing skin rashes to worsen, but they don’t actually cause the condition.

Research into human genetics may hold the key to discovering the root cause of eczema. Until then, sufferers should attempt to avoid substances known to trigger skin rashes.

General measures to relieve itching of psoriasis include:

There are a number of measures which you yourself can take to help improve and reduce aggravation of your psoriasis:

People with psoriasis on less than 2 percent of their body are considered to have a mild case. Generally, isolated patches of psoriasis are found on the knees, elbows, scalp and hands and feet. Topical treatments—including moisturizers and over-the-counter and prescription creams, ointments and shampoos—are usually sufficient to keep the psoriasis in check.

Moderate psoriasis is defined as affecting between 2 percent and 10 percent of the body's surface. Psoriasis may appear on the arms, legs, torso, scalp and other areas. Appropriate therapies include topical treatments, phototherapy and oral medications, depending on the location and extent of the psoriasis and other individual factors.

Psoriasis covering more than 10 percent of the body is considered severe. Extensive areas of skin may be covered with psoriasis plaques or pustules, or widespread erythrodermic psoriasis can cause severe peeling of the skin. People with severe psoriasis are more likely to develop psoriatic arthritis. Powerful treatments, including phototherapy, oral medications or a combination of these, are usually necessary to manage severe psoriasis.


Through scientific research from medical staff and dieticians throughout the world over a number of years, there has not been any obvious link found between psoriasis and any particular food in the diet.

There is no clear cut evidence to say that gluten causes psoriasis. One paper suggested that antibodies to gluten were reduced and there was some improvement in psoriasis in some people who had a gluten free diet.

However it should not be expected that a gluten free diet will clear psoriasis, but consult your doctor if you have concerns. Gluten causes another condition called dermatitis herpetiformis.

Psoriasis is a skin disease that can have substantial psychological, emotional and social impact on a person with psoriasis and on his/her family and friends.

Stress—physical, emotional and psychological—can be a trigger for psoriasis. Stress can be an initiating condition, or for worsening of existing lesions

Just the fact of having psoriasis is, in itself, psychologically and emotionally stressful. Lack of understanding by spouse, parents, children, other family members, friends, and co-workers can add another level of stress.

For most skin conditions, including psoriasis, there are probably multiple genes involved in producing the sequence of events that result in the condition. Complicating the picture still further is the probability that genes found to be associated with psoriasis may or may not cause psoriasis in an individual person, depending on the activity of the genes in relation to one another. The activity of genes in relation to one another is often determined by the pattern in which they were inherited from parents.

Both dermatologic and systemic infections have been known to trigger the onset of psoriasis or a worsening of psoriasis. The incidence of infectious triggering has varied from study to study, but the triggering effect of infections is well documented. Systemic infections that have been associated with triggering include viral upper respiratory disease, streptococcal pharyngitis ("strep throat"), and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Staphylococcal skin infections (boils) have been a trigger.

Psoriasis is a chronic, lifelong condition that can be controlled with treatment. It usually does not adversely affect general health, unless it is neglected or occurs in the elderly or very young.

Treatments for psoriasis can often control the disease for long periods. However, none of the available treatments is a cure. The disease can come back when treatment stops.

Remeber the cause of skin conditions range from a sunburn, drug reactions to genetics and even pregnancy. Many of the causes can be avoided with a little prevention, while others are more random in occurrence.
